Privacy Policy


The portfolio site “Naomi IRIS Nihei” (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) regarding user’s personal information. This Policy explains what kind of personal information this site collects, how it is used, and how users can manage their personal information.

1. Administrator Information
Administrator: Naomi IRIS Nihei
Email Address: naomi.iris.nihei* (*→@)

2. Collection of Personal Information
When users request work or make inquiries, we may collect personally identifiable information such as name, email address, and bank account number. We obtain the name and email address upon submission of the contact form.

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

To respond to user inquiries 
To invoice users who have entered into a contract for contract fees 
To perform necessary business activities for business management (such as taxation and accounting) 

The purpose of use of personal information may be changed only if the change is reasonably related to the original purpose.
In the event of a change in the purpose of use of personal information, we will make the revised purpose publicly available on the website.

4. Measures to Safely Manage Personal Data
The administrator strives to keep personal information accurate and up to date, and to protect personal information from unauthorized access, tampering, leakage, loss, and damage

5. Joint Use of Personal Data
The administrator engages in joint use as follows:
Person in charge of managing personal data Naomi Iris Nihei 
Purposes of use by the parties involved in joint use Same as the “Purpose of Use” mentioned above
 Items of use Name, address, phone number, email address, account number, etc. 
Scope of parties involved in joint use Business contractors.

6.Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties
The administrator will not provide personal information to third parties without the user’s consent except in the following cases:

  • When required by law
  • When necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property, and obtaining the user’s consent is difficult
  • When necessary for the promotion of public health or the sound development of children, and obtaining the user’s consent is difficult
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with national or local governments or their delegated persons to carry out tasks stipulated by law, and obtaining the user’s consent would interfere with the execution of such tasks
  • When the user has been notified or made public in advance of the following matters, and this site has filed a report with the Personal Information Protection Commission:
    • Purpose of providing to third parties
    • Items of personal data provided to third parties
    • Methods of providing to third parties
    • Procedures for the user to request disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal data provided to third parties.
    • The method of accepting requests from the individual.

7. Handling of Anonymously Processed Information 
When creating anonymously processed information (personal information that has been processed so that specific individuals cannot be identified and cannot be restored), the administrator will take the following measures:

Conduct appropriate processing in accordance with the criteria specified by laws and regulations
Implement security measures in accordance with the criteria specified by laws and regulations 
Publicize the items of information related to individuals included in anonymously processed information 
Cross-check with other information to identify the individuals from whom the original personal information was derived

8.Disclosure and correction of personal data held
When a user requests the disclosure of their personal information, the administrator will promptly disclose the information to the user. If you wish to be notified of the purpose of use of personal information, corrected, added, deleted, or for the use and provision to third parties to be suspended, please contact us.

9.Contact information for inquiries and complaints regarding the handling of personal information
For questions, concerns, complaints or other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the administrator, please contact us via the “CONTACT” inquiry form.

10. About SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
This website supports SSL, which encrypts communication between web browsers and web servers. Personal information such as names and email addresses entered by users will be automatically encrypted

11. About cookies
A cookie refers to data sent from a web server to a web browser. By referencing cookies, the web server can identify the user’s computer and enable efficient use of this website. The files sent by this site as cookies do not contain information that can identify individuals. It is also possible to disable cookies through your web browser settings.

12.Date of establishment and revision of privacy policy
Established: May 5, 2023


  • While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, we assume no responsibility for any actions taken by users based on the information provided on the site.
  • The administrator shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users as a result of using this site, nor for any damages caused by users to third parties.

14. Copyright and Image Rights
All content, including text and images, on this site is protected by copyright, portrait rights, and other rights. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited

You are free to link to this site. However, depending on the content of the website, we may refuse link placement.